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The Hong Kong Cavalier Kids:


It's the next generation of the hard rockin', adventure seeking, globe trotting Cavaliers of the Banzai Institute. And they are just as ready for action, equally on stage or battle feild, as their parents.

"Anyway," Ducky continued, "You're here for the inside view of the Banzai Institute on our 50th birthday. And how the Hong Kong Cavaliers came from these guys..." She waved a hand at a group picture of Buckaroo Banzai and the original Hong Kong Cavaliers hanging on the wall over the desk beside the door.

There was Buckaroo Banzai and eventual-wife Peggy Simpson linked together in the center of the picture. To their left there was Rawhide, his stetson pushed back on his head, arms crossed over his chest. Leaning against him was Tommy Boy wearing an all too big bomber jacket with a fur collar. Miss. Johnson, in her early teens, was on the right, arms crossed over her chest, stetson pushed back on her head, mimicking Rawhide. Resting a hand on her shoulder was the aging Professor Hikita.

"... and went to these guys." Ducky waved a hand along the wall showing group pictures taken over the years, showing the evolution of the Cavaliers, until they reached the last one which Ducky, herself, was the center figure of. She was wearing the same stetson her father wore in the first picture.

~~expert from 2022, by The Chronicler


Ducky (Donna Norse)

Father: Rawhide

Mother: Big Norse

D.O.B: September 3rd, 1990

P.O.B: Banzai Institute, New Jersey

Ducky, so named by for odd tint to her infant wail, is the result of the short termed romance between Rawhide and Big Norse. Though she followed her mother's choice of study, she's all `Daddy's Little Gal.' Rawhide has loved and lost in all manners, but claims to have never really understood love until he first held his new born baby girl. Ducky followed him everywhere, up early with the morning chores at the stables, over looking his shoulder late into the night as he went over the Institute's books, playing on the piano any and every chance they got.
She started out in public schools, but the public schools couldn't keep up with her. While her class mates were learning simple arithmetic, she had moved on to geometry. While other kids were learning to read from `Watch Spot', she was reading and understanding Hamlet in Japanese. Ducky became a disruption in class, demanding to be challenged by teachers who simply were neither prepared nor smart enough to deal with the such a child. Nor could they protect the high profile little girl as so demonstrated when Ducky, while left unattended, was nearly snatched by an unknown man who committed suicide rather than be caught by her rescuers.
As the first born of the next generation of HKC, Ducky took on the role of Big Sister to the rest of the children, keeping a protective watch over each of them, encouraging them in all their curiosity lead endeavors, saving them from all their curiosity lead trouble making. Can often be heard praising their successes with "The one good thing about Cavaliers: There's no end to their curiosity." Can often be heard complaining, often on the way to face trouble "The one bad thing about Cavaliers: there's no end to their curiosity."
Rarely without J.B., it was assumed by many that the two children were destined to be together. But, in her mid-teens, Ducky became interested in the loner, Mac deNathair James. Despite Rawhide’s explicit orders, she persuaded a relationship with Mac, going as far as sneaking out and/or lying to Rawhide as to her where-abouts.
Like her mother, she was attracted to the mathematical form of music, picking up on the patterns and mapping them. Through the Hong Kong Cavaliers' band she is able to, in her words, "express math in a way that everyone can appreciate... even if they don't know that it is math they are appreciating." Been known to play hard, loud Beethoven when deep in thought or frustrated.
tall and growing; waist length, straight blond hair (wares it in high pony tail or pinned up); sun tanned skin; hazel eyes.

J.B. (Jamie Banzai)

Father: Buckaroo Banzai

Mother: Peggy Banzai



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Zoey Beth Banzai

Father: Buckaroo Banzai

Mother: Peggy Banzai

D.O.B: June 16, 1994

P.O.B: Banzai Institute, New Jersey

From the moment she was conceived, Zoey was doing everything her way, aka. the hard way, bedridden her mother for the last three months of her pregnancy. Even labor lasted twenty-two hours and then, because she had worn Peggy out, they had to force the birth.>br> At five, Zoey demanded to go to public schools, rather than the more advance Banzai Grammar School. Even at that early age, she saw that the children of the Institute were different than other children. She didn't want to be different. She didn't want to live behind the Institute wall. She wanted to be a normal child with normal parents in a normal world.
Not that she didn't soak up every advantage growing up in the Institute had to offer. What Zoey wanted, even at that young age, was to make those advantages found at the Banzai Grammar School the normal everywhere else.
Her elders learned quickly that a little psychology knowledge was a dangerous thing in the hands of a child. Pointing out to her parents that everyone deserved the same chance, Zoey convinced them to began working with the local schools to change and develop their science programs to include a more active, more imaginative, hands-on learning process. By the time Zoey was seven, several of the county's Grammar schools had Blue Blazes as teachers, most of which were volunteers.


Little Tom & Rowdy (Tommas & Lisa)

Father: Thunder

Mother: TommyBoy

D.O.B: July 3, 1995-- Rowdy 5:32am, Tom 5:44am

P.O.B: Denver, Colorado, back of a hummer on an off ramp

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