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In 1972 an independent, nonprofit, research organization was formed, lead by the action statement "Progress over Protocol." It was called the Banzai Institute, home of the most brilliant scientists who ever sought to create a better world.

Nothing was a forbidden subject, everything was an interest of study. From Psychology to genetics, from particle physics to animal behavior, from martial arts to mathematics to the paranormal to why the grass is green and the sky is blue.

At the core of this wondrous Institute is a group of boisterous, dynamic young men and women known as the Hong Kong Cavaliers. Not only brilliant scientists on their own, together, they are a popular hard-rock band, and warriors against evil in any and all forms that might threaten peace and life.

And leading the Hong Kong Cavaliers is Dr Buckaroo Banzai. A man of multiple talents, he leads by example, "pushing sciences of all types, life in general, and luck ultimately to and beyond their limits." "And his Hong Kong Cavaliers follow him with a loyalty that could only come from the knowledge that, if any one can do it, it's Buckaroo Banzai!"

~~ Perfectly Matched Knuckles, The Chronicler