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Every chronicler writes the story as he or she sees it. The tales found here are written by those BBIs who wish to record what they see in the BB Universe from their own point of view. The stories may and may not follow the same lines as in other stories. That does not mean that one is right and one is wrong. It simply means that it is a different story written by a separate pair of eyes. My suggestion: enjoy the variety.-- The Chronicler


To enable everyone the opportunity to read what they want in the limited time that we all have on this earth, I give you this rating system. Any comments, suggestions, and/or complaints please feel free to e-mail me.



Anyone, everyone (a trip to Disney Land where the 7 dwarves are not toting weapons... 'course if one nails Perfect Tommy in the knee for a bad "shorty" joke, it could still be rated G.


Some mild language (the occasional damn, hell... stuff they don't bother to "bleep" out on TV).


Strong language (the "bleeped" stuff or every other word in the movie 48 Hours) and mild violence (barroom brawl, fist cuffs, unceremonious kick to the groin, a slight gunshot wound... major characters always walk out at the end... maybe limp).


VIOLENCE (Death and destruction, body part here, body part there, body parts everywhere, blood and gore, Damn, did you know a man's intestines were THAT long?) and mild sex (leave most of it to the imagination of the reader).


Descriptive sex and slash, ultra violence (torture plus... stuff you need a vomit bowl handy for).

Add-Ons for PG13 through NC-17 to better detail the rating:
L-- Language
N-- Descriptive Nudity though no sex (skinny dipping, streaking, strip tease)
Sug.-- Suggestive sex/sexual situations (You don't get to see what's under the covers, but you certainly know whats going on!)
S-- Sex (right out, all the sticky details, sex)
----M/M: Male with male sex
----M/F: Male with female sex
----F/F: Female with female sex
----H/A: Human with alien sex (don't look at me, I didn't suggest it!)
----Non. Con.: Sexual abuse/assault, rape, bondage (No child will be abused in this way on this site!)
V-- Violence
B-- Barney Alert (A singing, purple dino is enough to send anyone into a fit of violence and horror-- BE WEARY!) .