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Here's our little home for all those poor orphan plot bunnies who have no mumsy nor popsy to help them grow up into big, plot busting tales.

Won't you adopt one for your very own, nurture it, and help it achieve all that it can?

HELLO-- Once a Plot Bunny is orphaned, he's orphaned! That's it, no scooping him up after someone else has adopted him.
To abandon Plot Bunnies leave them in a little basket on my door step with all the tidbits of information you have on the poor little wretch.
To adopt a Plot Bunny, send me a request with the # and title of the orphan you wish to adopt. I'll send you the okay-dokay if it is available.
Remember: All an orphan needs is tender love and care... and plot complications!

1) Time--
An eager Intern's experiment goes wrong, throwing the guys and gals back in time to a day before Buckaroo's parents died. Will they risk their future to save the Banzais? Or will Buckaroo be forced to watch his parents die... again?

2) Forgotten--
While lecturing at a conference about a new bit of tech. the BBs have come up with, they are attacked by a Lectroids/ Uilc Dochas Clan Union, both determined to get their hands on the new tech. When Buckaroo is separated from the others, he is forced to hide the devise. But, before the Cavaliers can rescue him, he takes a blow to the hide, successfully jamming up his memories for the last, oh, twenty years. Now, it is a race against time to see who will find the hidden contraption first... and the only clue is locked away in the mind of a 12yr old who mistrusts everyone except the suddenly aged Hikita.

3) The Lectroid Among Us--
Upon returning home after the "Across the 8th Dimension" episode, Banzai discovers that one of his loyal and contributing Blue Blaze at the Banzai Institute is, in fact, a Lectroid. But this Lectroid has shown them nothing but goodness, contributing eagerly all he knows to further Banzai's ideals. So, now what? And what will Adders do if Banzai agrees to keeping the Lectroid?

4) Criminal Possession--
The Egyptian cop who arrested him so long ago has snatched Perfect Tommy and New Jersey. He wants P.T. to reconnect with his old drug contact and find the "Big Man." 'Course, if Tommy isn't willing to do it, will he do it to get New Jersey out of an Egyptian prison?

5) Tornado!--
Xan and the Uilc Dochas Clan attack WW One with twisters. How do they fight that? How do they survive?

6) The Bug--
When Banzai and band are exposed to a deadly bio-weapon and quarantine, can Peggy Banzai and New Jersey find a cure in time to save them? Can they save them in time to stop world distribution of the deadly virus?

6) Circus Fun--
A circus pays a visit to the Banzai Institute and chaos ensues

7) Space Venture--
One Morning the Banzia Institute awakens to find the entire Institute has been placed under a dome. Further investigation reveals that they are being whisked through space to an alien planet. Upon arrival, Team banzai is asked to help good aliens to fight off a tyrannical species who are using the good aliens as (gulp) food.

8) The Bounty--
TommyBoy's Grandmother wants her little girl back... at any cost. Thus, she approaches the best bounty hunters in the business with a sizable bounty. And the newly acquainted Knuckles is on the top of her list.
When Tommy Boy finds out, she takes off, unsure of what stance the newest member of the team (Knuckles) will take and hoping not to bring her family troubles down on the Institute. But how can the Cavaliers protect one of their own when she's on the run? It'll take their own bounty hunter to get the job done.