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Fanfiction Sites:

    Fanfiction from just about any and all fandoms one could think of.




Buckaroo Banzai Groups:

BBI Chronicles Workshop

   Fanfiction Authors' support and resources. 


World Watch Online

    Get connected with other BBIs.

World Watch Online

     The original Buckaroo Banzai mailing list.




Other Great Links:

Banzai Institute    

    The official site of Buckaroo Banzai and the Banzia Institute


World Watch Online

    Home page of the World Watch Online mailing list


Buckaroo Banzai FAQ    

    Answers for commonly asked questions about the cult classic Adventures of Bucakroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension   


Moonstone Comics

    Home of the new Buckaroo Banzai Comics


The End of the Internet   

    A great end to a great creation. Must see!   


Banzai Facebook Connection

    Facebook has made a showing in the Banzai Fandom.   


Wikipidia: Banzai

    The internet-pidia has an entry on the Banzai Fandom and then some. A great source for info on all sorts of goodies.